Scottish Grocers’ Federation Reaffirms Commitment to Deposit Return Scheme

Today, Scottish Grocers’ Federation made clear that it continues to support the delivery of a Scottish Deposit Return Scheme. This comes following recent media coverage concerning the future introduction of the scheme.

SGF chief executive Dr Pete Cheema OBE said: “Following on from the Scottish Grocers’ Federation (SGF) summit for the convenience industry in Falkirk, we would like to reaffirm it’s continued commitment to a fit for purpose, deposit return scheme, for consumers and small retail business. SGF will continue to work proactively with Circularity Scotland (CSL) and the Scottish Government to ensure a successful launch of the scheme in March 2024. It is vital that the Scottish Government confirms urgently that it will support industry and in particular CSL to ensure preparations can continue unabated, whilst it concludes agreement with the United Kingdom Government on the Internal Markets Act and all other outstanding issues.”

The Scottish Deposit Return is due to be launched on 1st March 2024.


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