Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Independent Convenience Stores
In 2017 SGF hailed a major breakthrough in its political engagement when Holyrood gave its backing to a proposal from SGF and MSP Gordon MacDonald to establish a Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group (CPG) on Independent Convenience Stores.
The CPG held its inaugural meeting in Parliament in September 2018 and has held quarterly meetings since, with positive involvement and engagement from MSPs. Each meeting focuses on a different issue which affects the convenience sector.
The current Members of the CPG are:
Convener: Gordon MacDonald MSP
Group Secretariat: Luke McGarty, SGF
The CPG has developed a workplan based on 4 key areas:
1. Convenience stores and the economy
2. Retail Crime
3. Convenience Stores and Community Engagement
4. Creating an environmentally sustainable c-store industry in Scotland.
Sub-groups also continue to be established to allow these issues to be examined in-depth and provide reports and briefing papers to Parliament. Further information on the sub-groups and their membership is available.