Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme

The Scottish Government’s Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity announced in the Scottish Parliament on 7th June that Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme will now be delayed until October 2025. This will bring the Scottish scheme into line with a UK-wide DRS planned by the UK Government for the same date.

As a founding member of Circularity Scotland (CSL), SGF has always striven for a fit-for-purpose DRS scheme for Scotland. Alignment with the UK scheme may now be best solution for our sector and businesses across the UK.

It is vital that both UK and Scottish Ministers provide immediate clarity for business on the critical path and timescale for the development for the UK scheme. There remains a significant level of uncertainty, alongside wider issues regarding the time and funding already invested in DRS by many retailers, producers, service providers and CSL and its partner agencies.

SGF will continue to engage with both the Scottish Government and the UK Government on the next steps and to ensure that our sector’s voice is heard.

For more details on the Scottish Government’s announcement go to:


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