‘It’ll Cost You’ 2025 - award winning campaign on proxy purchasing

SGF and the Scottish Alcohol Industry Partnership (SAIP) are delighted to announce that the ‘It’ll Cost You’ campaign on proxy purchasing of alcohol will continue its award-winning work through the summer of 2025. Some of the key campaign materials are attached and you can find out more on the website, at: www.itwillcostyou.com

The flagship campaign on proxy purchasing is being revamped and rolled out from 30th June to 11th August. As Chair of the It'll Cost You Steering Group, SGF and partners will be sharing materials online and on social media throughout the of the campaign period. 

Underage drinking plays a huge part in antisocial behaviour, crime and violence in local communities. This campaign aims to reduce the risk of harm and vulnerability to under 18s by cracking down on proxy purchasing through raising awareness of the consequences. It’s a criminal offence to buy alcohol for someone under 18. People who do so could face a fine of up to £5,000 and up to 3 months in prison.


Views on food law in Scotland – Research


SGF Community Shop March edition