Cross Party Group on Independent Convenience Stores - Illicit Trade and SGF’s Scottish Local Shop Report 2023

SGF’s next meeting of our CPG will take place at 6pm on Tuesday 14th November. To be held in person at the Scottish Parliament in Committee Room 3.

We will have two topics for this meeting: Illicit Trade and our annual report on the convenience sector in Scotland, SGF’s ‘Scottish Local Shop Report 2023’.

Illicit Trade

Current economic conditions combined with high tax and excise duty, and strict legislation on the marketing and promotion of some high value goods, can encourage a market for illicit trade. This presents a challenge; we don’t know where these products come from, what they contain or what harm they will cause people. Furthermore, every pound spent on illicit goods is a pound taken away from those who act responsibly and fully comply to the rules.

Scottish Local Shop Report 2023

The Scottish Local Shop Report 2023 breaks down the substantial contribution of the convenience retail sector to the Scottish Economy and highlights the lifeline services many local shops provide for their communities across Scotland.

An electronic version of this report can be found here.


This CPG will be an opportunity to speak directly to key representatives about these topics.

We will have four industry experts speaking on the topics - we will confirm them shortly.

With this in mind, we would be grateful if you or one of your colleagues could attend this meeting.

Please email to confirm attendance if you have not done so already.


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