SGF welcomes 'sunset clause' as MUP Bill passes stage 2
Following an amendment to the Alcohol (Minimum Pricing) (Scotland) Bill which will now mean that the minimum pricing provisions will expire at the end of a 6 year period unless an order is made by Scottish Ministers at the end of a 5 year period SGF Chief Executive, John Drummond, said:
“Whilst we continue to oppose minimum pricing we are cognisant that the parliamentary arithmetic means it will become law.
“That is why SGF lobbied for the inclusion of a sunset clause, so that the policy would be rigorously evaluated and terminated if proven to be unsuccessful.
“We are pleased that the poorly considered amendment designed to raid the pockets of retailers was firmly rejected by the Health Committee.
“All of the parties must now get round the table to ensure that the evaluation of minimum pricing is as robust and thorough as it can be.”