SGF Healthy Living Programme celebrates its 20th year, with scrumptious success

Reaching new heights in its second decade, the Healthy Living Programme (HLP) is more than just the apple in the pie at SGF, having engaged with over 37,000 pupils across Scotland through its “Welby Breakfast” initiative.

Fully funded by the Scottish Government since 2004, HLP works with more than 2,300 convenience retailers in Scotland to help advise on growing sales of healthier products in stores. Teaming up with both retailers and local primary schools to deliver its healthy breakfast events and deliver a nourishing message to youngsters about the importance of a healthy breakfast at the start of the day.

At this year’s SGF Annual Conference, to be held in Glasgow on 2nd October, Programme Director, Kathryn Neil, will address delegates on the 20th anniversary of HLP and the success of the programme.

Commenting, Ms Neil said: “This anniversary is a major milestone for HLP and the whole team and is well worth celebrating.  

“Over twenty years SGF and HLP have created a programme that works for every store, and the branding is now a key fixture in many new or refitted shops.

“Community engagement has been the key to success, ensuring the programme remains relevant and maintains relationships with key fascia groups. Helping to deliver the “responsible retailing” message.

“HLP would like to thank everyone who has been involved in the last 20 years of their journey and here’s to the next 20!”

SGF Chief Exec, Dr Pete Cheema OBE, added: “The programme has gone from strength to strength and is now more important than ever to both retailers and their customers. We hugely value the contribution of the HLP team and the Scottish Government in surpassing all expectations.

“England and Wales have tried in vain to replicate the success of the SGF HLP Programme, but to no avail. It is a testament to the Scottish Grocers Federation Healthy Living Team, that this is now one of the most successful Scottish Government programmes ever. Having evolved so much over the 20 years, it is more relevant to the Scottish Market than it has ever been.

“Not only does HLP help direct consumers to purchase healthier options, improving the health of communities, it also creates an avenue for new markets in healthy products. Supporting the local economy. This year marks a much-deserved celebration of that achievement.”

Public Health Minister Jenni Minto said: “I am very pleased to see the Healthy Living Programme promote a wide range of healthier food and drink and commend the Scottish Grocers Federation staff for the passion they have demonstrated in developing the programme – from its Big Breakfast events in schools to its engagement with island communities.” 

Research commissioned by the programme shows that 40% of consumers can now identify the HLP branding in store, with plans to continue expanding the programme in the coming years.


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