Scottish Grocers Support Bag Re-Use Campaign

Scottish Grocers’ Federation (SGF) members are supporting the Scottish Government’s campaign to help Scottish consumers and retailers cut their use of carrier bags.

Research shows that 92% of people think reusing carrier bags is good for the environment but that 59% forget their reusable bags and have to take new ones at the checkout.

John Drummond, Chief Executive of SGF said:

“We are very pleased to be working with the Scottish Government on this initiative to reduce the number of carrier bags handed out to customers.

“SGF recognizes the symbolic nature of carrier bags in relation to the environment and the Scottish Government’s desire to reduce their usage. We welcome the preferred use of a voluntary initiative to reduce bag usage.

“It’s often very difficult for convenience stores because there is a difference in bag use between weekly planned shops and more spontaneous visits to shops where customers are less likely to take their own bags. However, retailers are making determined efforts to encourage customers to change their habits, to use durable bags for sustained use on an on-going basis.”

For advice on bags and leading a greener lifestyle go to


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