Retailers and MSPs Support Alcohol Awareness Week Together

For the second year, Scottish Grocers’ Federation (SGF) members will be inviting MSPs into stores to join them in supporting Alcohol Awareness Week (AAW) (4-10 October).

Last year the campaign encouraged drinkers, through a range of hints and tips, to make a positive choice when it came to drinking alcohol. The theme for this year’s campaign is to drive awareness amongst Scots and demonstrate that making positive lifestyle choices, changing drinking habits and drinking more responsibly will enable them to get more out of their day, week, and weekend; at work, at home and with friends and family.

John Drummond, Chief Executive of SGF said,

“Consumed in sensible levels, alcohol can be part of a healthy lifestyle. However, some communities are blighted by anti social behaviour as a result of irresponsible drinking.

“As key stakeholders in their local communities our members understand the importance of fostering a culture of responsible drinking. With the support of MSPs, local shops look forward to engaging with their customers and encouraging people to think about the effect alcohol has on their health and behaviour.

“Everyone in a community has a part to play in changing the drinking culture in Scotland. Our members take their responsibilities as retailers of alcohol very seriously and invest considerable resources in staff training, Challenge 25 and other practical measures plus involvement in industry initiatives including AAW.

“We welcome the opportunity to work with MSPs in raising awareness of responsible drinking.”


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