Drummond Gives Evidence to MSPs on Alcohol Bill

The Chief Executive of the Scottish Grocers’ Federation (SGF), John Drummond, has given evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sports Committee as it takes evidence on the Alcohol etc. (Scotland) Bill. The panel asked challenging questions about the range of measures included in the Bill including minimum pricing, a social responsibility levy and restrictions on promotions. John Drummond who appeared alongside representatives from Scottish Beer and Pub Association, Scottish Licensed Trade Assocation, NOCTIS – The Voice of the Nighttime Economy and Consumer Focus Scotland gave the perspective of local shops. Speaking after the hearing John Drummond said:

“SGF are concerned the debate surrounding alcohol has been dominated by minimum pricing. When considering the impact measures in the Bill will have on the convenience store sector, minimum pricing has a less competitive impact than other measures such as restrictions on promotions and promotional material and banning off sales to under 21s.

“The committee meeting was an invaluable opportunity to attempt to explain this to MSPs. We hope the politicians will consider the views of small shops when scrutinsing the Bill.”


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