Lee Birmingham

With a successful career spanning over 30 years within Commercial Sales at Cadbury and Arla, Lee has worked with major brands, supporting national, local and independent customers, covering wholesale, retail and foodservice sectors.  He was also the Chairman of the North West Committee of the Confectioners Benevolent Fund for five years and was a 2012 Torchbearer for the London Olympic Games in recognition of his contributions to charity.

Two years ago Lee was given the devastating diagnosis of a very rare brain tumour and this changed his life forever.  Having undergone major brain surgery lasting 14 hours and suffering a bleed on his brain, Lee was forced to retire from work to focus on his health and wellbeing.  Lee manages day to day life with its up and downs, with the help of specialist brain nurses, who support him with living with a permanent brain injury and coping with a very hidden disability.

Lee will share his experience about living with a disability, offer his advice about how independent stores can be more inclusive and also what a difference it made to him to have a supportive and understanding employer.


Colm Johnson, Managing Director, Booker Group - Retail