Youth Booze Clampdown Praised by Minister

A successful campaign to deter young people accessing alcohol has been seen in action by Scottish Government Victims and Community Safety Minister Siobhian Brown MSP at an event in her home constituency of Ayr.

The “It’ll Cost You’ Campaign is delivered in partnership by the Scottish Alcohol Industry Partnership, Police Scotland, and Community Alcohol Partnerships.

Asking an adult to buy alcohol for under 18s is one of the most common tactics used by young people to access alcohol. It’s an offence in Scotland for an adult to buy or attempt to buy alcohol for someone who is under the age of 18. This is known as proxy purchase. Adults who buy alcohol for children may face a fine of up to £5,000. The campaign raises awareness of the damaging effects and criminal nature of buying alcohol for under 18s.

Government Minister for Victims and Community Safety Siobhian Brown said:

“ I am delighted to meet partners behind the ‘It’ll Cost You’ campaign and see it being delivered on the ground. The campaign helps to create safer communities for all and is a great example of partnership working to help tackle underage drinking.”

You can see our full press release here.


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