SGF calls for ScotGov to prioritise collaboration over more regulation on Circular Economy

The Scottish Grocers Federation wrote to the Minister for the Circular Economy on 17th July, highlighting that proposed measures set out in the Scottish Government’s Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill, could place even more pressure on the sector, which is already facing an ‘extremely changing trading environment’.

The Bill will give Ministers new powers to install further local recycling targets, potentially place charges on single-use items, such as coffee cups, and put a full ban on the disposal of unsold consumer goods.

SGF Chief Executive, Dr Pete Cheema OBE said: “The burden of further regulation from government, across a range of issues, is also impacting on business viability. The recently published Circular Economy Bill will give Ministers powers to increase that burden further. While we welcome the aim of protecting our natural environment, we also recognise that local retail businesses are vital to their communities and to their local economies.”

Our press release on this issue can be found here.


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