Regulated Lobbying Activity – obligations when meeting with Ministers or MSPs

It is a legal obligation to complete the Lobbying Register after meeting with a Scottish Government Minister or MSP. This applies whether the meeting took place virtually or face-to-face. To register on the Lobbying Register, go to:

There are several exemptions in the Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016 that may mean you will not need to enter details in the Lobbying Register. The Scottish Parliament has produced guidance on the Act to help you to determine whether it applies to you.

The following 5 Steps will help you decide whether or not you need to register lobbying activity:

* To access the full checklist (mentioned above) and further SP guidance, go to:

The Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016 can also be found online. If you believe you may have carried out regulated lobbying on behalf of your business, you can email the Lobbying Team at:


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