Looking for advice on how to save money off your energy bills? – UK Govt advice  

Please see the latest energy saving advice shared with SGF by UK Government colleagues. The information focuses on advice for households but may contain useful guidance for businesses as well.  

The UK Govt has launched a public information campaign ‘It all adds up’ to highlight simple, no or low-cost actions, that will cut down on energy use and bills and offer significant financial savings without reducing comfort or putting people’s health at risk. 

The campaign promotes government’s top recommended actions to help save money on energy bills, including (but not limited to): 

  • Reducing the temperature, a boiler heats water to before it is sent to radiators (known as the boiler flow temperature) from 75⁰C to 60⁰C. 

  • Turning off appliances at the plug. 

  • Reducing heating loss from the property, such as by draught-proofing windows and doors. 

Visit the ‘It all adds up’ website for further detail on how these energy saving actions and more can add up to big savings.


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