Firework Control Zones powers for local authorities

Firework control zone powers for local authorities have commenced this week. These are a measure within the Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (Scotland) Act 2022, and will give communities across Scotland a greater say in how fireworks can be used in their local area.

As previously mentioned, the commencement of these powers is supported by guidance for local authorities, which has been published to coincide with the new powers coming into force. You can access guidance at the following link:  Firework Control Zones: Guidance for Local Authorities (

The guidance explains the requirements on local authorities for designating, amending, or revoking a firework control zone within their boundaries, alongside best practice and case studies.

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Consumer attitudes towards the diet and food environment in Scotland research report – SGF Summary


Consultation analysis reports published on HFSS, Diet and healthy weight – Scot Gov