Equality, Opportunity, Community - Programme for Government, 2023-2024

The First Minister launched his Programme for Government on 5th September 2023 in the Scottish Parliament which set out the Scottish Government’s priorities through to the end of the Parliamentary year. The First Minister’s speech on the Programme for Government can be viewed here and the associated news release is available here.

Some of the key points are:

1 - Health

  • Publish a report on five years of Minimum Unit Pricing in September 2023 alongside a consultation on its future, both in terms of price and the continuation of the scheme, and undertake a review of the alcohol marketing consultation, publishing responses by the end of 2023.

  • Publish a refreshed Tobacco Action Plan in autumn 2023 which outlines Scottish Government states it intention make Scotland tobacco-free by 2034.

  • Take action to reduce vaping among non-smokers and young people and to tackle the environmental impact of single-use vapes, including consulting on a proposal to ban their sale and other appropriate measures.

 2 - Circular Economy

  • Drive a transition to a circular economy through supporting the Circular Economy Bill.

  • Work with businesses to develop plans for the delivery of the Deposit Return Scheme from 2025, subject to UK Government legislation, recognising that the UK Government has prevented Scotland’s scheme from progressing as agreed by the Scottish Parliament.

  • Support the operation of Low Emission Zones across our four largest cities by June 2024 to improve air quality and protect health, and continue supporting the growth of zero-emission vehicles on our roads and increasing charger numbers to 6,000 by 2026.

3 - Taxation

  • Scottish Government state that it will continue to deliver a fair and affordable Non-Domestic Rates package in the Budget, taking account of the engagement with businesses, through the New Deal for Business, and with Local Government.

  • Publish an updated tax strategy alongside the Medium-Term Financial Strategy in 2024. This will include consideration of the overall burden of taxes on individuals, households and businesses.

4 - New Deal for Business

  • Bring business representatives and other stakeholders together to advise on the successful implementation of new regulations through the Regulatory Review Group and ensure the consistent and effective use of the Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment, with businesses engaged from the earliest stage of policy development.

  • Build on the work of the New Deal for Business Group in relation to Non-Domestic Rates and invite the views of members on priorities, alongside the considerations of the Tax Advisory Group, to inform decisions in the Budget.

  • Establish a new Small Business Unit to ensure that the interests of small businesses are always considered.

5 - Crime

  • In the year ahead the government will take forward the implementation of the bail and release from Custody (Scotland) act 2023.

  • Publish a Hate Crime Strategy Delivery Plan, setting out our immediate and longer-term activity in support of the Hate Crime Strategy, including implementation of the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 in early 2024.

6 - Other

  • Defend the powers and responsibilities of the Scottish Parliament and continue to build the case for an independent Scotland within the EU, including through the Building a New Scotland prospectus series.

The government will introduce 14 new bills during this programme period, this will include Budget (No.3), Electoral reform and Judicial factors.


SGF unveils vaping blueprint for Scotland


Single use vapes ban considered – Scottish Government