Eating Out, Eating Well Framework (EOEW) and Children’s Menu Code of Practice (COP)

Public Health Scotland (PHS) in partnership with Food Standards Scotland (FSS) are continuing to progress the development of a new EOEW & COP. The framework is one of the actions outlined in the Scottish Government’s Diet and healthy weight: out of home action plan

Following early engagement with stakeholders, PHS in partnership with FSS established Industry working groups with representation from public, private and third sector outlets from the out of home sector. A series of workshops were held earlier this year to collaboratively develop the EOEW framework principles and the children’s menus Code of Practice. The members of the groups provided practical advice and constructive feedback on the content and implementation of the framework from a specific out of home business perspective. 

With consideration of this feedback, research, and wider engagement, PHS together with FSS, have now drafted the EOEW and COP principles and proposed model of delivery.  Please find attached PowerPoint which provides an overview of the draft framework. 

The EOEW framework and COP will be piloted with a range of OOH businesses early 2024.  The Eating Out, Eating Well Team aim to recruit out of home outlets across a range of business types, sizes, locations and from a mix of brand and independent outlets.  It is anticipated the pilot phase will last 6 months and will be evaluated to test the usability and effectiveness of the framework, informing next steps including implementation and support.   


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