Minimum Unit Pricing Calculator


From 1st May 2018 retailers were no longer legally allowed to sell alcohol below 50 pence per unit. 

From 30th September 2024 the Minimum Unit Price will increase to 65 pence per unit. Please see the calculator for 50p below (65p (2024) version is available in the link).

Enter the ABV and ml volume (e.g. for a 400ml can, enter '400') using the tool below to see the impact.

These calculators give the MUP for 1 bottle or can, for multipacks simply multiply the MUP price by the number of bottles/cans in the multipack.

(Please adjust accordingly: MUP regulation requires that fractions of pence should always be rounded up. For example, a result of £8.6333… using the tool below would require the item to have a minimum unit price of £8.64)